I experienced a number of camera scares on this trip. In one case I put an open bottle of water in my backpack and got my camera soaked. At first it worked, then it didnt, then I got new batteries and it worked, then it didnt, then the light meter worked but the shutter didnt, before finally...dead. So I had to buy a disposable. The following are some disposable pics from an island off the coast of Croatia called Hvar.
Kenj in the Adriatic |
The water was the clearest I'd ever seen. Lots of sea urchins. You'd see people walking around the island with thick cotton padding stuck to the bottom of their foot...they had stepped on one.
Boat life |
The only club is located on an even smaller island right of the Hvar coast. Every night starting at 1am shuttle boats would start taking partiers from Hvar to Carpe Diem just 10 minutes away.
Hvar Harbor and town square |
The population of this tiny island town triples in the summer from around 4 to 12 thousand.
A regional map. Hvar is the long thin horizontal one. |
Beachgoers |
The view from my room in hostel Villa Skansi. |
The hostel I stayed in was a converted household. Mom Dad and the two kids would be around during the day. Momma Skansi and I shared coffee one morning. She explained how they began the 108 bed hostel five years ago and now make enough money in the summer to not work at all in winter. Apparently Hvar is absolutely dead then, you cant even order a pizza. They plan on moving to Zagreb after this summer season so the kids can have more options for school and play etc...
Sorry bout the camera man, disposables turned out good tho