There is an article on that sums up Copenhagen for me really well. Here is an excerpt:
"By the third or fourth day, Copenhagen begins to feel like a colossal joke. Coming from the classic American “if you get hurt, you’re gonna sue us”-disposition, almost every spot is met with a “What the hell were they thinking when they made this?” You don’t get kicked out much, and the general public seems way too concerned with enjoying their chill lives to tell you you’re ruining some slab of stone...There are a thousand beautiful girls riding by on bikes, and even the pizza is mysteriously better than you ever thought Danish pizza had the ability to be.
Copenhagen has undergone a bout of urban renewal this past half decade. This is well-documented in the design community, as the city has become somewhat of an international poster child for forward-thinking public space. Unlike American public parks, which are built with a crippling fear of lawsuits in mind, the people designing these plazas have acknowledged how easy it is to adapt skate-friendly obstacles into any corner of their creations. Every new park is multi-use; nothing is simply a playground, a basketball court or a skate plaza. If the space is there, why limit it? Basketball courts thus become surrounded by banks, and playgrounds bordered with ledges. Nothing is built merely to be sat on and left alone after lunch-hour."
Our host, the man himself, Jonathan in his hometown of Copenhagen |
Israel's Plaza |
Again, Quartersnacks in reference to Israel's plaza: "Imagine if Washington Square had a three-foot-deep pool (the article describes it as a mini skatepark for “younger children”…it may be better described as a dreamland for people who suck at transition), and a neighboring set of stadium ledges that the parks department didn’t mind you waxing. You’ll start to get the picture."
Kenj shredding |
Jon Shredding |
Danish Building |
Faelledparken |
Jon dropping in |
Bowls |
Breakfast in the afternoons |
Cristiania |
Norrebro (North Bridge) |
When the sun is shining in Copenhagen people head to Norrebro. They bring friends and beer and bikes and speakers and skateboards and they sit and chill and watch the passerby.
Kenji watching passerby |
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