Sunday, November 19, 2017

Waverly: Last Look

Moving tomorrow. 
This place will be sorely missed. 
There's a lot that could be said about all the times here... a lot of growth and a lot of change.
A haven in bustling east LA! Who knew you could find such a place here - almost always quiet and calm and serene, especially the early mornings.. watching the sun come up out east over the mountains; and in the winters they would be capped with snow after every storm, but of course you could only see that on the clearer days when the smog lifted away...
Too much to say so I wont try and do that here!.. but it has been real. I am leaving Waverly a very different person from the one who arrived here a little more than 2 years ago! 

a brief last look, nothing special, to be paired with "New Spaces" from Oct. of 2015 when I moved in... (

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