Battery Spencer is the site of an old fort, located at the southern point of Marin County (Lime Point), overlooking the Golden Gate bridge. It was built in 1897 as part of the Harbor Defense of San Francisco, at the time armed with three 12'' caliber rifles. One of them was removed during WWI for service at Fort Chester in SF near Lands End. The other two were scraped during WWII. Battery Spencer is now part of the Golden Gate Recreation Area. It sports an all-time view of the GG, the bay, and the city.
Arriving here from the 101 southbound is truly amazing. Views of the bridge are obscured until the moment you exit the Robin Williams Tunnel, at which point the northern main tower appears seemingly at arms reach, shooting up and towering over the land and the cliff's edge. It is such a large structure that it is reminiscent of something from a dream or fantasy, especially so in the soft afternoon light. It induces the same feeling as when driving into the Yosemite Valley and visualizing the sheer unbelievable size and scope of its granite walls (similarly fantasy-like). The way the bridge is so intimately intertwined with the bay and the cliffs and the land, it almost feels like a natural wonder of its own.
N. Main Tower |
Battery Spencer |
Mistake |
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